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We are collecting donations for the winter 2021/22

The cold has arrived in Morocco and the borders for tourism are once again closed. The situation for the locals is uncomfortable, if not already partly dramatic. It is all the more important that we take action now.

Biggest transport ever

On November 30th a huge collection event took place in Rüschlikon. The great team around Janine from Noana Shoes has given unbelievable gas and collected together with their community 2 (!!!) tons of material plus 11 wheelchairs, rollators, etc.. Thank you all for your incredible efforts! This shipment should arrive in Morocco in mid-December, where we will be working with our volunteers to support families in need in eight areas. We will keep you updated on our social media channels.

The next transport

Did you miss this transport? There will be another transport around December 10-15 from Hochdorf LU. Do you still have donations you want to drop off? Then get in touch at

Please note:

Please only good conditioned, washed items! The donations must be sorted by size, in cardboard boxes/Ikea bags or the like and labeled. We also ask you to contribute the amount for transport and customs costs (3 francs/kg material) - if financially possible. This is the only way we can finance the transport.

What kind of donations are needed?

Winter clothes (jackets, ski jackets, sweaters, hoodies, pants, hats, gloves, socks, tights, scarves, foulards) for children and adults (please bring only clean items in good condition!)

other clothes (jeans only for children and men, loose pants for all, bathrobes, pijamas, trainer pants, sports clothes trainer tops) for children and adults (please bring only things in good condition and clean!)

Winter shoes for kids and adults in good condition (please don't bring totally scuffed/holed shoes!!!)

Shoes in general (sneakers & loafers tied together in pairs please, no high heels and please do not bring totally worn/holey shoes!!!)

Dog and cat carriers, bowls, litter boxes, small cat trees, toys, etc. for our pet project

warm blankets (no comforter covers or comforters)

terry towels general backpacks for children and adults

wheelchair for a 10 year old quadriplegic

School supplies for children (backpacks, exercise books, colored pencils)

Toys (WITHOUT batteries, nothing only in German)

stuffed animals (please washed and clean!!!)

many big cardboard boxes to pack everything in

Money donations for transport wheelchairs, paying van rent in Morocco, buying new tents for nomad families, doctor visits for sick children etc.

Would you like to donate something?

Donate instead of buying gifts and help poorer people - a nice idea for the family or the office. Or how about becoming a member of our association?

Donation account: IBAN CH91 0077 8215 6923 4200 1

Bank: Luzerner Kantonalbank

Support-Flow to Morocco, Kleinwangenstrasse 20, 6280 Hochdorf

Donations via Paypal:

Twint: 0797734725 (Lea Bischof)

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© 2021 Support-Flow to Morocco // Whatsapp: +41 79 759 95 26 // // Donation account: IBAN CH91 0077 8215 6923 4200 1

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